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Delhi: पुरानी संसद समेत कई सरकारी इमारतों के फायर सेफ्टी सार्टिफिकेट नहीं हुए रिन्यू, विभाग ने बताईं ये कमियां Attack On Shadol Budhar Police At Irani Bada Case Registered - Madhya Pradesh News Thieves Stole Cash From A Grocery Store In Jodhpur's Sar Village Of Luni - Amar Ujala Hindi News Live Haryana:बॉक्सिंग में गोल्ड मेडलिस्ट बना कुख्यात अपराधी... चोरी, रंगदारी, फायरिंग जैसे 13 संगीन अपराध, गिरफ्तार Himachal Bhuntar 42 Lakhs Loan Was Taken By Presenting False Documents Case Against Brother And Sister - Amar Ujala Hindi News Live रियान पराग ने रचा इतिहास, IPL में पहली बार कप्तानी करते ही श्रेयस अय्यर को छोड़ा पीछे अमाल मलिक ने दुरुस्त कर लिए परिवार के बिगड़े रिश्ते? घर छोड़ने की कही थी बात, अब पिता ने लुटाया प्यार सरकारी बैंकों ने अपने शेयरधारकों को 27,830 करोड़ का डिविडेंड दिया, इस बैंक का मुनाफा सबसे अधिक बढ़ा राजगुरु के परिवार के लोग पहुंचे हुसैनी वाला बॉर्डर, दी श्रद्धांजलि Chandigarh Grenade Attack: NIA chargesheets 4 Babbar Khalsa International terrorists | India News

18 BJP MLAs ousted from Karnataka House; Muslim quota bill passed | India News

18 BJP MLAs ousted from Karnataka House; Muslim quota bill passed
BJP MLAs are evicted by marshals on Friday after their suspension for ‘disrespecting the Chair’ while demanding a probe into honey-trap cases

BENGALURU: Both Houses of Karnataka legislature Friday passed the controversial bill granting 4% reservation to Muslims in securing govt contracts despite opposition from BJP-JD(S). The bill was passed in the assembly soon after 18 BJP MLAs were suspended for six months for ‘disrespecting the Chair’ while vociferously demanding a probe into alleged honey-trap cases.
The bill seeking to reserve 4% of civil work contracts up to Rs 2 crore and goods and services contracts up to Rs 1 crore for Muslims was passed in the assembly amid uproar without debate while the council witnessed a heated discussion before it was cleared.
BJP and JD(S) urged governor Thaawar Chand Gehlot to reject the bill, calling it “unconstitutional” as the quota was religion-based. Calling the Congress move a part of “minority appeasement politics”, BJP announced a statewide agitation starting next week. However, law minister H K Patil, who piloted the bill, termed it a step towards social justice.
The suspension of the 18 MLAs in the assembly came a few minutes before the bill was taken up. Announcing the suspension, speaker U T Khader said, “This seat is not just a Chair but a symbol of democracy, truth, and justice. Speaking from it is a matter of pride, and every member must uphold its dignity. Let this be a lesson for us to respect the Constitution and parliamentary traditions.”
Despite the suspension, the MLAs refused to leave the House, prompting marshals to physically evict them. The suspended legislators stormed the speaker’s podium, tore official documents, and hurled paper pieces at speaker’s desk.
Those suspended include BJP chief whip Doddanna Gouda Patil. The protest erupted after the govt declined to order a judicial or CBI probe into cooperation minister KN Rajanna’s claims that he and 48 others, including legislators, central leaders, and judges, were targets of a honey-trap attempt.

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Delhi: पुरानी संसद समेत कई सरकारी इमारतों के फायर सेफ्टी सार्टिफिकेट नहीं हुए रिन्यू, विभाग ने बताईं ये कमियां     |     Attack On Shadol Budhar Police At Irani Bada Case Registered – Madhya Pradesh News     |     Thieves Stole Cash From A Grocery Store In Jodhpur’s Sar Village Of Luni – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live     |     Haryana:बॉक्सिंग में गोल्ड मेडलिस्ट बना कुख्यात अपराधी… चोरी, रंगदारी, फायरिंग जैसे 13 संगीन अपराध, गिरफ्तार     |     Himachal Bhuntar 42 Lakhs Loan Was Taken By Presenting False Documents Case Against Brother And Sister – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live     |     रियान पराग ने रचा इतिहास, IPL में पहली बार कप्तानी करते ही श्रेयस अय्यर को छोड़ा पीछे     |     अमाल मलिक ने दुरुस्त कर लिए परिवार के बिगड़े रिश्ते? घर छोड़ने की कही थी बात, अब पिता ने लुटाया प्यार     |     सरकारी बैंकों ने अपने शेयरधारकों को 27,830 करोड़ का डिविडेंड दिया, इस बैंक का मुनाफा सबसे अधिक बढ़ा     |     राजगुरु के परिवार के लोग पहुंचे हुसैनी वाला बॉर्डर, दी श्रद्धांजलि     |     Chandigarh Grenade Attack: NIA chargesheets 4 Babbar Khalsa International terrorists | India News     |    

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