‘Real democracies function differently’: India slams Pakistan in UN for raising Kashmir issue | India News

NEW DELHI: India on Wednesday slammed Pakistan for raising the Kashmir issue again at the United Nations session. Rajiv Shukla criticised the neighbouring country for fueling misinformation in the valley and said that “real democracies function differently.”
“Let me be clear. Real democracies function differently. The people of Jammu and Kashmir turned out in record numbers in the recently concluded free and fair elections. No amount of disinformation and misinformation will change facts on the ground,” Shukla said.
“A delegation has yet again used this august forum for peddling lies and falsehood. It is habitual for this delegation to resort to disinformation and misinformation. This delegation tends to measure the world’s largest democracy using similar yardsticks,” he added.
Pakistan has consistently spread disinformation regarding the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. However, the recent assembly elections in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, held over three phases on September 18, September 25, and October 1, demonstrated a strong commitment to democracy. The elections saw impressive voter turnout, with Phase 1 recording 61.38%, Phase 2 at 57.31%, and Phase 3 achieving a notable 69.9%. These high participation rates reflect the enduring trust the people of India have in their democratic institutions, Shukla said.
Earlier this year, Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif asked India to reverse its “unilateral and illegal” actions in Jammu and Kashmir, referring to the 2019 revocation of Article 370, which gave special status to Jammu & Kashmir.
“India spurned Pakistan’s proposals for a mutual strategic restraint to the regime. Its leadership has often threatened to cross the line of control and take over Azad Kashmir,” Shehbaz Sharif had claimed.
“I urge this delegation to engage more constructively in this forum rather than using it for their divisive political agenda,” Shukla said.
“We will fight the virus of misinformation together and deliver a positive and reliable impact for peace and a better world,” he added.

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